KafKa Development In Canada

Producer API
Producer API

Permits an application to publish streams of records.

Consumer API
Consumer API

Permits an application to subscribe to topics and processes streams of records.

Connector API
Connector API

Executes the reusable producer and consumer APIs that can link the topics to the existing applications.

Streams API
Streams API

This API converts the input streams to output and produces the result.

Kafka Development in Burlington Development Company in Canada

“Kafka Connect - Learn How to Source Twitter Data, Store in Apache Kafka Topics & Sink in PostgreSQL ”

Cloudoft -Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is a distributed publish-subscribe messaging system designed to replace traditional message brokers. Apache Kafka is an open-source stream-processing software platform developed by the Apache Software Foundation, written in Scala and Java. A streaming platform has three key capabilities:


Apache Kafka can handle scalability in all the four dimensions. In other words, Kafka scales easily without downtime.


Since Kafka is distributed, partitioned, replicated, and fault tolerant, it is very reliable.

Data Transformations
Data Transformations

Kafka offers provisions for deriving new data streams using the data streams from producers.